9.00-21.00, Community Centre of Unions
“The Fantasy House”
Marathon screenings of the Game of Thrones movies
Free entrance
Break: 18.00-19.00
Moderator: Vlad Frînghiu
10.00-11.30, Institut Français Iași, “Benjamin Fondane” Hall
Round table: “Promoting Literature on International Book Markets” (II)
Professional meeting of editors, translators and cultural managers
Guests: Kamila Buchalska, Denisa Comănescu, María Sheila Cremaschi, Gheorghe Erizanu, Daniela Faraill, David Giannoni, Pascal Jourdana, Carmen Mușat, Ludmiła Anna Koza, John O’Brien, Ana Nicolau, Herbert Ohrlinger, Enrique Redel, Anne Sastourné, Ulrich Schreiber, Jack Snyder, Susan van Oostveen, Olimpia Verger
Moderator: Simona Sora
10.00-11.00, “Mihai Eminescu” National College, Iași
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guest: Emmanuel Régniez
Moderator: Cristina Iliescu
11.00-13.00, “Garabet Ibrăileanu” National College, Iași
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guests: Marius Chivu, Andrei Crăciun
Coordinators: Professor, PhD Cristina Chiprian, Professor Cezar Harațu
11.00-13.00, “Emil Racoviță” National College, Iași
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guests: Ruxandra Cesereanu, Mircea Pricăjan
Coordinators: Professor Mihaela Vlioncu, Professor Irina Nechifor
11.00-13.00, “Miron Costin” High-School, Iași
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guests: Bianca Burța-Cernat, Paul Cernat
Coordinators: Professor Larisa Târzianu, Professor Geanina Honceriu
11.00-13.00, “Mihai Eminescu” National College, Iași
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guests: Simona Antonescu, Dora Pavel
Coordinators: Professor, PhD Costina Creiță, Professor Claudia Ciobanu
11.00-13.00, “Dimitrie Cantemir” High-School, Iași
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guests: Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu, Ioan T. Morar
Coordinators: Professor Iolanda Miron, Professor Traian Fîntînaru
11.00-13.00, “Mihail Sadoveanu” National College, Pașcani
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guests: Alexandru Lamba, Dănuț Ungureanu
Coordinators: Professor, PhD Carmen Dimitriu, Professor Anca Berenghia
12.00-14.00, “Costache Negruzzi” National College, Iași
“Writers and Their Young Readers”
Guests: Denisa Comănescu, Vlad Zografi
Coordinators: Professor, PhD Mihaela Doboș, Professor Adriana Bozdoro
12.00-14.00, Children’s Palace, Iași
“The Childhood House”
Guest: Ioana Nicolaie
Moderator: Florin Bican
Coordinator: Professor Ilie Constantin Corneliu
14.00-16.00, Balș House, “Caudella” Auditorium
“The Alecart Meetings”
Guests: Adriaan van Dis, Lisa Strømme
Moderators: Emil Munteanu, Nicoleta Munteanu
14.30-16.00, Iași County School Inspectorate
Meeting between Translators from Romanian and High-School Teachers
Guests: Anita Nastacia Bernacchia, Florica Ciodaru-Courriol, Jean-Louis Courriol, Bara Hajnal, Laure Hinckel, Joanna Kornaś-Warwas, Bruno Mazzoni, Xavier Montoliu Pauli, Enrique Nogueras, Christian Santacroce.
Coordinators: Professor Sabina Manea, Iași County School Inspectorate, Professor Irina Prodan, Iași County School Inspectorate
15.00-17.00, “Mihai Ursachi” House of Culture
“The Meetings of the Logos Club”
Guests: Kari Frederikke Brænne, Nuruddin Farah
Moderator: Serinella Zara
16.00-17.30, “Pod-Pogor” Gallery
Round table: “New Hungarian Books Translated into Romanian”
Guests: Márton Evelin, Bara Hajnal, Marius Tabacu, George Volceanov
Moderator: Ciprian Măceșaru
16.00-17.30, “Dosoftei” House
“The Poetry House”
Guests: Dan Coman, Andrei Novac
Moderator: Radu Vancu
16.00-17.30, FILIT House
“Writers in the Centre”
Guests: Ioana Bradea, Francesc Miralles, Jan Koneffke
Moderator: Paul Cernat
16.00-17.30, MERU Cafe
Meeting with Andrei Oișteanu: “Sexuality and Narcotics in the Romanian Culture”
Moderator: Nicu Gavriluță
16.00-17.30, The Community Centre of Unions
“The Fantasy House”
Invitee: Michael Haulică
Moderator: Dan Doboș
17.00-18.00, Institut Français Iași, “Benjamin Fondane” Hall
Simona Modreanu in dialogue with Emmanuel Régniez
18.00-19.30, “Dosoftei” House
“The Poetry House”
Guests: Robert Șerban, Rita Chirian
Moderator: Răzvan Țupa
18.00-19.30, FILIT House
“Writers in the Centre”
Guests: György Dragomán, Andrzej Stasiuk, Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu
Moderator: Filip Florian
19.30-21.00, The Students House of Culture, Iași
The Opening of the 2017-2018 Season: Beethoven’s Complete Concertos and Symphonies
Conductor: Maestro Horia Andreescu
Soloists: Andrei Licareț (piano), Diana Țugui (soprano), Liliana Mattei Ciucă (mezzo-soprano), Tiberius Simu (tenor), Marius Boloș (bass)
An event organized in partnership with the Moldova Philharmonic Iași
20.00-22.00, “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre, Grand Auditorium
“FILIT Evenings”
Meet Gao Xingjian
Host: Bogdan Ghiu
Presenter: Cătălin Sava
A limited number of places will be available 30 minutes before the start of the event
22.00-04.00 (the 7th of October), FILIT House
“The White Night of Poetry”
Marathon of public readings of the poets invited in festival
Moderators: Radu Vancu, Cezar Paul-Bădescu